Thursday, September 14, 2006

chickpea salad sandwiches

Chickpea salad is a vegan take on the old standby of tuna salad. When you mash chickpeas with a fork, the texture is quite similar, and if you're like me and enjoy the supporting flavors more than the fish itself, this meal is just as good. If you want that fishy taste, you can experiment with different types of sea vegetables and find one you like.

canned chickpeas, well rinsed or cooked chickpeas
vegenaise, nayonaise, or another vegan mayo
celery, copped finely
onion, or scallion, chopped finely
anything else you feel like adding. I know some people like capers, I like sweet pickle relish, because that's how my mom used to make it :)

The most important step is to mash the chickpeas. I like to use the tines of a fork, but you could also use a potato masher. Then add the supporting cast, until you get the mix that you like. This is really best served with lettuce and tomatoes in a wrap or pita in my opinion.

1 comment:

me said...

I've been making this with Wildwood's Garlic Aioli for the mayo sub... and eating it EVERY day for lunch. My new favorite thing!
I got my recipe from and Vegan with a Vengeance (an amalgamation of the two).